Having a Positive Internal Narrative
We all have internal narratives that create our reality. Our narratives shape our world view and self-image. The foundation for these narratives starts to take shape around age five and tend to solidify by age sixteen. To change these narratives that were shaped when were children requires intentionality, purpose, and focus. Having the intention to change our narratives needs a good reason why. This is because our brain loves sameness and works very hard to resist change. The human brain, for better or worse, after twenty-five wants to lock in thought patterns. This is where intentionality and focus come in handy. With the intention to change and a focus on the barriers to change, we begin the process of change.
Intention and focus, sadly, are not enough. We need to know why we are changing. It needs to be something this is deeply believed that we feel in our bones. The reason for this is that the brain needs justification to create the new neural pathways necessary to change thought patterns. Convincing ourselves that we are worthy of change is the first hurdle. Trust me, you are worthy of change. I wish that me believing so was enough. It is a starting place, and I invite you to borrow my faith in you and conviction that you deserve to realize any change you seek to make. I also want to share that you are no longer that child that those old thought patterns served.
Understanding the role old thought patterns played allows us to see how they once kept us safe. For example, a belief that no one likes you is born out of a negative social experience and designed to keep you from overextending yourself socially and avoid being hurt. A belief that you are a failure prevents you from buying in 100% in your success and the devastation that failure when we do our best creates. All of our negative thoughts are designed to keep us safe. So what are your thoughts protecting from? Can see that you are now safe and no longer need these defunct protections? If you do, then examining what is keeping you unsafe and making a plan to change your lack of safety even if it requires years can go a long way towards creating a positive, internal narrative focused on what can be.