Unlocking Your Creativity
I want to start off by sharing that we are all creative beings. Everything we do is an expression of our creativity from the way we style ourselves to how we walk and how we think. Self-expression and decision making are expressions of our creativity. When we are feeling stuck in life, it is because we are either creatively blocked, or our creativity is not being allowed to be expressed. Embracing that we are all creative beings and that unlocking your creativity is the key to having more good days than bad will revolutionize the way you see yourself and the world. It will open up a new level of problem solving and allow you access all of your gifts. Stepping into your creativity will allow you to blossom.
I’m not asking you to blindly trust me that you are creative. I have proof. If you have ever had an idea, you are creative. I think a lot of us have lost sight of the fact that creativity is simply embracing the novel. If you have a new idea, even if it is only new to you, that is exactly what creativity is. I know a lot of you may be tempted to fight this, and I promise once you embrace that you are creative your life will improve by leaps and bounds. Embrace your imagination and ability to think. Once you do, you will naturally step into your excellence and embrace your awesomeness. Creativity is the key to unlocking your potential.
Now that we can agree that you think, have new ideas, and can imagine, let’s unlock your creativity. The second step to unlocking your creativity is to give yourself time to think while feeling positive. It is far easier to embrace creativity as a new process when we are feeling positive. If you are doing this exercise when feeling down, focus on 3 positive thoughts and build from there. Learning to use our creativity to think our way out of tough spots takes practice. Starting from a place of positivity is always easier. Notice where your thoughts went and find a way to capture them by taking notes or a voice memo or a sketch. Let go of the ideas that are not practical to your life or don’t click with you. Study the ones that do and ask yourself: will implementing this thought improve my life? If it will, then go for it. Do this process a couple of times a month, and you will be amazed at how much more productive and optimistic you feel.