Embracing Success
A lot of my clients struggle with acknowledging and recognizing their success. For a lot of people, embracing success requires a shift in their mindset. This is true even of people who are not hyper critical of themselves. A lot of us were raised to be humble and not overly proud or boastful. This mindset leads to barriers to realizing that we have succeeded and to embrace our success. As a result, we have less joy and less intimacy. Whenever there is a barrier in our life, it impacts all aspects. Often the inability to embrace success leads to an inability to embrace other’s success without bitterness or jealousy, and this reduces intimacy. When we embrace our own success, we shift our focus away from pessimism, jealousy, and criticism.
Shifting to an embracing success mindset shifts our vision and attention from what we don’t have to what do have that is worthy of celebration. A mindset of embracing success also allows us to celebrate luck, the small things, and all of our gifts. Everyone has something that has an element of luck. Luck is something that we have no control over and works out in our favor anyway. For most of us, the ability to leave our home country is a bit of luck that were born in a country that allows us to leave. Waking up is something a lot of us take for granted but is something worthy of celebration. Having employment or a partner who is employed provides us with a base from which to build on.
Looking at what you have is the starting point for embracing your success. By looking at what you have, you are retraining your inner voice to shift focus from all of your fears, anxieties, and negativity. Moving away from a viewpoint focused on what you don’t have lets you see what you do have and embrace the good that is already there. This will also shift your focus away from what others have that you do not. Using the accomplishments of others to determine your success is a waste of energy because you don’t know their life and everything it took for them to have what you perceive them to have. Every success story has a bit of luck. Being open and ready when an opportunity presents is more likely when we are embracing our specific gifts and talents. We all have pockets of success that we can build once we start looking for them.