How to Make 2025 Your Best Year!

Most suggestions on making 2025 your best year focus on habit building, asking yourself the right questions, making a plan, or manifesting. I don’t think these suggestions alone will work because, in my lived experience and the experience of my clients, it is more about finding the path that fits who you are. There is a reason why you are doing the things most people are suggesting or, if you are not, why those suggestions are not working. It comes down to honoring who you are and how you move through the world. When we try to change too many things and move away from our most authentic self, we struggle. This is why most New Year resolutions fail. It is because they are not in alignment with who we are and do not honor where we are at in our process.

Getting to know who we are when it comes to change is about our snap reaction to things. What causes you to sigh internally or roll your eyes when you think about change? Identifying your barriers will free you from them because you can then apply techniques that speak to your most authentic self. For example, when it comes to planning, most people think that they are either planners or not planners, and I think that is too binary of a thought process. If you set an alarm, that is a plan for the time you would like to wake up tomorrow. To understand your relationship with planning, you need to understand your relationship with time. We all have a length of time we can understand even if it is simply understanding tomorrow.

Learning how you view the future will help you then decide how best to go about imagining 2025. For some, it will be looking at January 1st and for others it will be looking at the year as a whole. To conquer 2025, you must honor who you are and what amount of time resonates for you. Being true to yourself and making incremental changes is what is more durable and lasting. Small things over time add up to big changes that don’t push us so far out of comfort that we are always in pain and struggling. Change, like everything else, is best in moderation. If you find you are struggling to know where to start, tackle something small and build from there. You’ve got this. 2025 can be your best year yet!