Is Life Passing You by?
There are generally four reasons that people feel life is passing them by: romance, family, money, and health. I’d like to start with health first because it can be the most daunting. Building the right medical team can take time even if it is simply for maintenance and routine health checks. Give yourself the space and time to find medical professionals that you trust and have a rapport with. Having a good medical team will revolutionize your relationship with your health and confidence in your ability to cope with any medical needs that may arise. If you have degenerative conditions, this is especially true. Slowing the progression of such conditions can be challenging, but with the right medical support, realistic expectations can be set, and you can focus on quality of life rather than solely on managing your health. The same can be said for conditions that come with the aging process: with the right medical support, you can know what to expect and set your life up so that you are able to maximize the good days.
When family is the cause for feeling life is passing you by, it can be having children, failing to meet the expectations of your family, or toxic interpersonal relationships within the family. If having child is what’s most pressing, having your fertility checked regardless of age can give you a time frame in which that widow is biologically open for you regardless of gender. Not making assumptions about fertility will allow you to answer if biological children are the only option that works for you. If this is the case, knowing the facts about your fertility is paramount. If you feel that you are not meeting the expectations of your family, ask yourself if they realistic for who you are and give yourself permission to set new expectations. If your family is toxic, consider going no contact and freeing yourself from that negativity. You can take control and improve your agency, thus reducing stress.
If romance is the issue, are you in a relationship that no longer works for you? Are you single and want to be in a relationship? Either way, the first step is knowing what the issue is. Make a plan to fix what you don’t like about your romantic state. Make sure that the plan involves changing what you’re currently doing that’s not working. The same can be said for work, whether you’re in a dead in job and field you hate or unemployed, making an action plan to change what you don’t like and then enacting it will be empowering. Start by asking yourself what can you do today to make tomorrow better and then give yourself seven days to do whatever that action is. I say 7 days because there is something that has you stuck, and giving yourself 7 days to enact a small change to improve your life will reveal what your blockage is and then the real work can begin.
Posted on Tuesday: 27 June, 2023