Living the life You Deserve
I’ll start right off the top with why most folks are not living their best life. It’s because they are not willing to do the work to get and keep their best life. Living your best life will require you to work your ass off and have quite a few miserable days in between now and your best life depending how far away from your ideal you currently are. This is true of any best life. Ask yourself: what is your best life? Do you actually know the fine details of your best life? What does the day to day of your best life look like from when your first wake until you sleep for 365 days a year? Most people can’t answer this question because they are not willing to be honest with themselves and embrace their desires without a care for what anyone else will think of them.
Even if your best life is one of complete leisure and lack of responsibility, it is possible to achieve but takes work. The work is finding someone who will fund your life and expect nothing in return, which is possible. These types of people are rare, but they do exist. An easier type of person to find is one that will fund your life for a specific exchange whether that be beauty, children, or a willingness to let them dictate your life to you. Whatever your best life is, the first step in achieving it is knowing what it is and understanding whether or not you are willing to do the work to achieve it, and if not, what are the edges and refinements necessary to align what you will and will not do.
My ideal life is one in which I am in a different country every 6 months. That is a hard goal, and for me, I started with what would prevent me from doing so, and my biggest obstacle was being a mother. When my son turned 25, I began working on my goal. It is ridiculous to most people, and I only share it here as a way to invite you to voice your most ridiculous life goal. You don’t have to tell anyone but yourself. I am working towards my best life, and I am inviting your to start working towards yours. This is about you and what you want. No one else needs to understand it or agree to it. Be selfish. Put yourself first. Embrace your deepest desire and then make a plan and get to work. You can live your best life if you are willing to do the work to get there.