What to do When Children Have Culture Shock

What to do When Children Have Culture Shock

When we move our family to Japan there is a wealth of information about how to help the adults in the family adjust, but not as much when it comes to children. Whether your kids are little ones, pre¬teens, or teens, there are some universal signs that they are suffering from culture shock. There are also some universal ways to help them overcome culture shock and to thrive. The first step is to be aware of the signs. The second is to know what actions to take to help alleviate the issue. Here are a few warning signs and solutions.

Lack of shared interests with their peer group
Shared interests are how we bond with a peer group and find our tribe, regardless of age. If your teen, pre-teen, adolescent, or little one does not have any new inter¬ests, this can be a sign that they are not making friends and are incredibly lonely.

I caution parents that knowing the names of classmates and attending some out-of-school meet ups does not always indicate that your child is bonding with their peers. Having new interests is a clearer sign be¬cause it reflects that your child is investing both time and energy into connecting with a new social group.

You can help foster and support the development of new interests by asking your children what the other children like and taking a crash course in it via YouTube and Google. Help your child familiarize themselves with new television series, music, fashion, and video games. A little bit a familiarity can go a long way toward helping your child connect. Knowing what their new friends are interested in will pro¬vide a feeling of being part of the group.

Persistent state of “I don’t know”
If your child is spending most of their time confused, this is clear signal that they are struggling with culture shock. It is vital to provide an understandable routine as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is to talk with your children about daily routines and school schedules.
Talking about schedules and finding out what is working and what is not provides time for your children to vent and let you know what they are struggling with. Even if they are at the age of wanting privacy, it is nice to know that your parents are checked in.

Knowing what’s going on will allow you to catch issues and problems before they have the opportunity to take hold and im¬pact school performance and self image. It is crucial that your children know they are special and have value. This message can get lost as children struggle to find their new rhythm after an international move.

Health Complaints
An increase in health complaints can be a sign of a genuine health issue or an indication of an emotional issue. How to tell the difference is to first seek the advice of a medical health professional. If the doctors cannot find a physical reason for the symptoms, accepting that its source may be emotional is important for a quick resolution of the issue.
It is important that children learn that no matter what is going on, it’s ok to need help. This is especially important in fami¬lies that have a difference in how children cope. Children are different, and it is im¬portant that they know these differences bring different both gifts and challenges.

Embracing our children for who they are and accepting that they may need a little extra help is an amazing gift. As the family comes together to help each member overcome their unique issues, a positive bond is formed that will stay with the family forever. Seeking help and knowing that asking for help is ok is a powerful gift to give a child and one that will serve them well throughout their lifetime.

Posted on Sunday: 17 January, 2016