What Drives You?

Drive is different than motivation. Drive is what we want to accomplish, and motivation is our willingness to do the work to achieve our accomplishments. When we are in tune with what drives us, we feel a deeper sense of peace. Knowing what drives us allows us to know our purpose and feel invigorating and…

Surviving a Crisis

If you are in crisis, the first thing to do is understand that this is not your forever. The second thing to do is understand that now is not the time to make any major changes. The second thing can seem counter-intuitive, but when we study our biology, we find that the chemicals our body…

Feeling Hopeless?

If you are feeling hopeless, I promise you this is not your forever. I promise that you are more powerful than you know. When we are feeling hopeless, it is easy to forget how powerful we are. We all have pockets of amazing awesomeness, and tapping into what makes us special can help us persevere…