Being Kind to You

Being Kind to You

I believe that the key to having more good days than bad is compassion for self. This sounds deceptively simple but is actually rather complex. Compassion for self is about knowing in your bones that you are deserving of kindness, nurturance, patience, and love. Kindness for self allows us to forgive our mistakes, acknowledge our…

The Inspiration Process

The Inspiration Process

I do my best to live a life filled with inspiration. I am often surprised by how much work this requires. It is surprising how easy it is to take things for granted. It is also surprising how much humility inspiration requires. Inspiration’s more obvious qualities are creativity and awareness, but recently I have found…

The Value of Having a Hobby

The Value of Having a Hobby

There are a lot of things that people consider important to have a happy life. Most of the time, these are big things: being healthy, having a happy family, etc. However, I want to talk about balance. Having a balanced life is important for my, personal, happiness. Balance comes in a lot of forms, but…